CommCat QSXer Application

CommCat QSXer is a freeware application that shows your current operating status on a world map and gives you a personal web site. Your call, current frequency, mode, name, location, and a short note appear on the MyQSX Activity Map web site. Click here to visit the MyQSX Activity Map and watch pins come and…

Ettus Research USRP E110 SDR receiver

USRP E110 kit includes: USRP E110 2 SMA-Bulkhead Cables 1 USB-ADP Adapter Cable Power Supply The USRP E110 series combines a flexible RF frontend, FPGA and an OMAP 3, which includes an ARM Cortex-A8 and a C64 DSP. This allows standalone operation for embedded applications, or applications that do not require the full processing power…

FA-SM station manager

You probably know the following “problems”: During an SSB contest or with only moderate activity on the radio bands you want to save your voice calling CQ so a voice keyer (“CQ parrot”) is needed. For morse code you use an electronic CW keyer for automated CQ calls anyway. And if you are active especially…


The HinzTec – anyfrog is the stand alone APRS weather- and position system for fixed and mobile use. Now with KISS mode for receive and transmit! This unit is the ideal stand alone solution for the demanding APRS – user with a multitude of options. The HinzTec – anyfrog unit connects your weather station with…