Yaesu FT-710 Field

Yaesu Plans To Launch A New Version Of The FT-710 SDR HF Transceiver Field   The new FT-710 Field will no longer come with the SP-40, which can be used for the Acoustic Enhanced Speaker System (AESS), but will still provide users with a portable carrying strap. For customers who wish to use AESS functionality,…

SDRPlay SDRconnect Software

SDRconnect is new multiplatform software. You will find the first preview release available to click link HERE and download. Please make sure to read the information on this page carefully before downloading. The current preview build of SDRconnect is just at the beginning of the development process. It contains a number of features, including: Multiple…

MOMOBeam DUO4 17/12m WARC Antenna

DUO4 12/17 is a dualband yagi for the WARC bands of 12 and 17 meters with very compact dimensions and full size elements. The uniqueness of this antenna is that the 24 MHz driver is not directly connected, but is an “open sleeve” style feed. This greatly simplifies the assembly of the antenna. It features…

JUMA ASW-5 Automatic BCD Antenna Switch

Manufacturer code: JUMA ASW-5 Ordering code: ASW-5 Freq. range: 2 – 50MHz No. of switched antennas: 5 No. of possible bands: 10 bands, from 160m to 6m Max. power: legal power limit, SSB/CW (JUMA team tested it at 2kW+) Antenna/Tx connectors: high quality TE Connectivity BNC 50Ω DC plug: 5.5mm OD/ 2.1mm ID DC power…