SUNAIR RT-9000D Software-Defined HF Transceiver

Software-Defined SSB and ISB Configurations DSP Based Syllabic Squelch Remote Control via Serial and Ethernet Comprehensive BITE to LRU Internal AC Power Supply Data Link – MIL-STD-188-203-1A TADIL A and Link 11/22 (Factory Installed Option) HF Data – MIL-STD-188-110 A/B and STANAG ALE – 2G MIL-STD-188-141 A/B and 3G STANAG 4538 500 W, 1 kW,…

Sprint-Layout 6.0 App released

Sprint-Layout – this software is getting more and more famous in the last years. If you need a software to design your PCB’s easy and fast, you can’t get away from Sprint-Layout! Many thousand satisfied users can’t be mistaken – Sprint-Layout with its marvellous usage is simply unbeatable! There is no unnecessary “ballast” which makes…

Win-Test Log App updated to version 4.10

Features: – Over 100 supported international, national and VHF+ contests – Easy navigation in the log – CW generation in background, leaving you free to “type ahead” (no extra hardware required) – RTTY mode by MMTTY interfacing – Resizable and floating windows – Integrated voice keyer – Networking with Ethernet or RS-232 ports (can be…

ARRL "QST" for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch now

If you’re a member of ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, install this app and have QST, the ARRL membership journal, delivered to your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch every month! QST entertains and informs with news, construction projects, tutorials and much more. That’s why it is the most widely read Amateur Radio publication…