RFMeca bandpass filter 200W, 160-10m

DETAILS: High-quality bandpass filters from the French manufacturer RFMeca in an RF-tight sheet metal housing with SO-239 connectors. Excellent for low power contest operation and DX expeditions when using multiband antennas. The filters can handle a maximum of 200 watts and are available for the following shortwave bands: 10m: -45dB (15m); -90dB (6m) 15m:  -45dB (20m); -65dB (10m) 20m: -60dB (40m); -85dB…

HF LF Modem RM8 2G ALE

  Offering a wide range of standards-based waveforms and protocols, the RM8 software defined modem with 2nd Generation (2G) Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) provides interoperable data modem and link setup in a standalone unit for strategic and maritime data communications. The 2G ALE Controller is a software option for the RM8, and can be combined…

FT-Control for YAESU version 1.42 released (for MAC users)

  Master your YAESU transceiver from anywhere! Explore advanced SDR features and digital modes directly on your Mac FT-Control for YAESU is an innovative Software Defined Radio (SDR) client designed specifically for macOS users, allowing comprehensive control and operation of selected YAESU transceivers. Developed to maximize the capabilities of the FT-710, FTdx-10, and FTdx-101 (D…

TS-Control for Kenwood v1.43 (for MAC users)

Marcus, DL8MRE announces that the latest release of TS-Control for Kenwood is now available for download or update from the Apple App Store. TS-Control for Kenwood is an innovative Software Defined Radio (SDR) client designed specifically for macOS users, allowing comprehensive control and operation of an TS-890 Transceiver. Developed to maximize the capabilities of the TS-890,…

RUMlogNG version 5.18.2 released

    Tom Lindner (DL2RUM) has released the latest version of RUMlogNG for direct download or via the App Store. RUMlogNG is a HAM radio logging, QSL handling and printing tool, especially made for the short wave DXer, made by a DXer. Basic logging features are included for the higher bands up to 1.2 cm…