Acom 2100 HF Linear Amplifier
Acom 2100 amplifier. 4CX1000A tube. Video by RM6AA
VP6T Pitcairn Island 2012 DXpedition by F6BEE Jacques, F4BKV Vincent, FM5CD Michel, G3TXF Nigel, VE2TZT Gilles. Video by Milane Milane
Giving you a rare glimpse behind the scenes at Kenwood’s Communications Division factory at Yamagata, in northern Japan, this video shows our new flagship Amateur Radio transceiver the TS-990S being built. It’s not all robot machines — real people help to create a masterpiece of communications technology that’s rapidly won the hearts of many Amateur…
Propagation was quite poor when this video was recorded, but for better or worse, the SDRplay is connected to an 85 foot vertically oriented triangular loop and is simultaneously receiving the AM BCB, 75 meters, and 40 meters. Toward the end of the video, the 3 virtual receivers are tuned to 3885, 1885, and 7290,…