CQWWDX Contest 2011 (Phone) US1i QRM
Outstanding QRM (Splatters) from Ukraine Contest Station US1I during the CQWWDX Contest 2011 (Phone). From almost 14185 KHz to 14210 KHz in 14200 Central Frequency (> 25 KHz !!!).
Outstanding QRM (Splatters) from Ukraine Contest Station US1I during the CQWWDX Contest 2011 (Phone). From almost 14185 KHz to 14210 KHz in 14200 Central Frequency (> 25 KHz !!!).
Dick Van Dyke, Barry Goldwater, Arthur Godfrey and many others extol the virtues of amateur “ham” radio in this vintage film. I converted this old and somewhat damaged 16mm film to video tape many many years ago when the technology to do that was rather archaic. I have now converted those old video reels to…
Video by OE3MZC data transmission on shortwave radio with PACTOR level 4 modem SCS P4dragon DR7800 and ICOM 7600 radio, new modulation, 10 speed levels, up to 2x faster, bluetooth connection to pc or laptop, no rf-noise from USB cable, send email via Winlink on HF for free using Amateur Radio or Sailmail, Airmail, Winlink,…
A brief overview of the Andy Crimp Pro crimping tool reviewed in detail in the January 2012 issue of QST magazine.
An overview of the Flex 1500 software-defined QRP transceiver. The complete review will appear in the December 2011 issue of QST magazine.