Report from the El Niño Kingdom (English version)

Author: Andrey Fedorov RW3AH-WL7AP-9X0A-T2X-3D2AF 1999-2000-2001 2002 © All rights reserved. The story of a trip to Oceania. DXpedition K1B (“KING ONE BAKER”) Spring 2002 It’s a pity that we wasted our lives, That we were pounded in the mortar of vanity. O life! We didn’t have time to blink an eye And, having achieved nothing,…

Day of the RU DX

Day of the Russian DX Amateur radio has been a part of my life for several decades, as a faithful friend and a dominant hobby. Of course, there are many other interesting things out there. But it is different from any others because it not only sharpens your technical knowledge, but also gives you many…

MZUNGU – “Man Without Skin”

MZUNGU – “Man Without Skin” Center of Africa, Rwanda 9X0A (RW3AH) 1997-1998 © Andy Fyodorov A Notice of the second Rwanda expedition arrived unexpectedly, leaving me very little time to prepare for the trip. The morning of departure found me and my family gathered at the breakfast table. While my wife Nadia and I discussed…

Репортаж из королевства «Эль Ниньо»

Автор: Андрей Федоров RW3AH-WL7AP-9X0A-T2X-3D2AF 1999-2000-2001 2002 © Все права защищены. История одного путешествия в Океанию. DXpedition K1B («KING ONE BAKER») Весна 2002 Жаль, что впустую жизнь мы провели, Что в ступе суеты нас истолкли. О жизнь! Моргнуть мы не успели глазом И, не достигнув ничего, – ушли! Рубайат Омар Хайам   Репортаж из королевства «Эль…

New horizons of old HAM radio hobby

Author: Andrey Fedorov KL1A (RW3AH) © In this article I would like to share my personal experiences on the use of the remotely controlled amateur radio stations. This subject is not new, and was referred to repeatedly in some amateur radio information sources, as well as discussed in many forums on the Internet. So…