New EchoLink for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

This app is for licensed Amateur Radio operators only. See for more information. EchoLink for iPhone provides access to the EchoLink network for validated EchoLink users. You can use this app to connect to the EchoLink system from almost anywhere, using either an iPhone or an iPod touch. (For an iPod touch, you will…

New APPLE MAC Echolink v.1.16.3 released (by N9YTY)

NEW: UDP packets originate from same port as destination to facilitate NAT transversal CHANGE: Update URL to point to project on SourceForge BUG FIX: Add CFBundleIdentifier to Info.plist (affects automation) BUG FIX: set doRestart=NO in applicationShouldTerminate (Gary Propp) CHANGE: Replaced signal level meter with NSLevelIndicator (was NSProgressIndicator) (VK3FOUL) BUG FIX: Dictionary was being mutated whilst…

APRS and iPhone/iPod Touch

PocketPacket is an APRS client for your iPhone/iPod Touch. The “Automatic Position Reporting System” is a packet communication protocol used by amateur radio operators (HAMs) around the world, to report position, status, station capabilities, weather or other information in real time. PocketPacket incorporates a software-based TNC, allowing you to directly capture and visualize 1200 baud…

Полярные радисты (Часть -III)

Часть-I Часть-II:Автор Фёдоров Андрей (RW3AH) Часть – III : Автор статьи: Валерий Шиневский (RZ6AU) Я родился и первую половину жизни прожил на юге России. В конце 70-х, получив диплом радиоинженера, как и многие, поехал на Север решать материальные проблемы. Жизнь на Колыме никогда не казалась мне малиной, но когда в марте восьмидесятого я в первый…