DXpedition KL7RRC/p sent "SOS" signal

Info from QRZ.com Forum: Guys – heart attack with member KL7RRC/P team – they need help. Freq 14264.0 Phone 9 074874586 (number is incorrect) de RZ3FW — (IMHO) — This is so strange news. KL7RRC Team has a “SPOT” device and in case of emergency they can send “SOS” signal over the SAT. A lot’s…

New ArraySolutions Inc Band Pass Filter

New Hamation Shack-LAN FilterMAX II Band Pass Filter System with removeable W3NQN Filters These filters are the famous W3NQN filters designed for low insertion loss and low SWR across an entire band with emphasis placed on maximum rejection of second harmonic energy. 160M, 80M, 40M, 20M 15M and 10M. Filters for other bands can be…