Still alive

Amazing. “OSCAR-7” still ALIVE (!) This satellite is ancient! Batteries died in the early 80s and the thing’s still going on the ancient solar panels. Simply & awesome. Spacecraft Summary OSCAR Designation:  AMSAT-OSCAR 7 Oscar Number:  AO-7 International Designator:  1974-089B Norad Number:  7530 Common Name:  OSCAR 7 Alternate Name:  Phase-IIB Satellite Type:  Satellite Launch Date: …

QRP Kit from China

Over the past years, Chinese hams made significant progress in QRP kits production and building. The most famous kit providers are BA6BF for his KN series SSB/CW transceivers (KN-Q7, KN-Q8, KN-Q9, KN-Q10 and KN-Q10A), BD6RA for his Thunder series SSB/CW transceivers, BD4RG for his HB-1A and upcoming HS-1A CW transceiver, BG6CG for his CG series…

ICOM IC-F7000 transceiver

The IC-F7000 is an HF land mobile transceiver especially designed for long distance communications. The IC-F7000’s advanced functions and features make HF LMR operation simple and efficient for user’s whether you are a skilled operator or not. Selective call capabilities The selective call uses a unique calling address like a telephone number and allows you…

G3WOS Homebrew six meter 450w amplifier

G3WOS six meter, DXpedition solid state amp, packed and ready to go! I don’t think I could ever, hand on heart, recommend that anyone build a high power solid-state amplifier rather than one based on trusted triodes. However, if you read such excellent books such as the recently released ‘The VHF/UHF DX Book’ (DIR Publishing)…


Using SMS DX ALERTS NETWORK of 20 dedicated radio receivers located across the globe, SMS DX ALERTS monitor amateur radio QSOs in real-time – sending you a text message alert if the new DXCC one, continent, grid or IOTA station that you need is received. Also include alerts of SFI /A &K Solar activity Values.…