Sometimes old school is better

Why do we rely on radios during storms and emergencies? (Source: A radio is an essential part of any emergency preparedness kit, whether it’s a regular radio or an National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Weather Radio (or, ideally, both). But in an age where we’ve got cellular technology and smartphones with capabilities that far…

Azden AZC headsets

AZC-203 Over The Ear Type Dual headset Feature Specially designed fro voice communication Ergonomically sound fro long-time wear Specification Headphone Frequency response 200Hz-5kHz Microphone Dynamic Feq Res. 102Hz-10kHz AZC-202 Over The Ear Type Dual headset. Feature Specially designed fro voice communication Ergonomically sound fro long-time wear Specification Headphone Frequency response 200Hz-5kHz Microphone Dynamic Feq Res.…

A Sleep Strategy for DX Contesting

This article originally appeared in the National Contest Journal. Why am I here? Listen to all these signals. Who are they? Wonder what they are doing? All this CW sure sounds nice. What should I do with this keyer paddle? Should I push this button? I can turn this big knob but what does it…

CQ WW Rules 2017 – Update Announcement

The following are updates made to the 2016 rules, effective for the 2017 CQWW SSB and CW weekends. Full rules will be published soon. In addition to the updates, the thought process behind each update is included. We hope this will provide some insight into the reasons for the updates. Multi-Single definition: The word “transmitter”…