Photo by Emtron Description: The Emtron DX-3SP Linear Amplifier is a 4000 Watts average output power, for the 160m through 10m amateur bands (9 bands), housed in a desk-top cabinet with self-contained power supply and cooling system. It utilises a two high performance tetrodes, type FU-728F, a ceramic metal tube with a plate dissipation of…

DIY: piGate – Raspberry-Pi APRS

APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) is an amateur-radio based system for realtime communication using digital packets sent over radio links. I present here, an implementation of an APRS iGate using the Raspberry-Pi. An APRS iGate is an Internet gateway that gates packets from the radio/RF side to the  APRS-IS on the Internet (and vice-versa). The…

DXpedition & Contesting DVDs by 9V1YC

Professionally produced, broadcast-quality documentaries from some of Amateur Radio’s most exciting events are now available on DVD. See what its like behind the scenes at some of the most famous DXpeditions in the history of ham radio, and learn all the tips and tricks from the pileup masters. Only US$25 each, including free shipping. VP8THU…

HRD Ham Radio Deluxe v6.0 Preview/Beta 2 .2

HRD Software, LLC announces the release of Ham Radio Deluxe 6.0 Preview/Beta 2.2 This includes many fixes for issues the user-base has found. The list of the fixes and enhancements for Beta 2.2 is on the HRD website at http://www.ham-radio-deluxe.com The updated buglist is on the website as well as the updated Preview Version. For…