RRC Micro 1.6.11b (Beta version) Released

RemoteRig.com : RRC Micro 1.6.11b (Beta version) Released The software supports Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 bit) and Windows 8. Note that Windows XP 64 bit is not supported. You can download and install the software, before you order. Everything works but it’s not possible to connect to the remote…

IARU Region 2 – New Band Plan

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 2 (the Americas) has published a revised IARU Region 2 Band Plan for all allocations from 137 kHz to 250 GHz, effective September 27, 2013. The member-societies of IARU Region 2 adopted the new plan during their triennial General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico, in late September. Delegates from 18…

Best Practice : The Pile-up Management

Best Practices for DXpedition Operating This week, I want to address DXpeditioners directly. DXpeditions during the past few months have been a problem. To be honest, some of the operating has been very poor. (That’s a polite version of what I have been reading.) Some of the DXpedition operators recruited for these operations seem to…

2xarrays 2XA-3B-12L HF Antenna

The 2XA-3B-12L is a 12 element, 24 foot boom tribander (covering 20/10/15 meters) with a single feedpoint. This is possibly the most potent tribander ever offered at any boom length. Weighing only 70 pounds, it sports 3 elements on 20 meters, 4 elements on 15 meters and 5 elements on 10 meters (all full sized…

Building the TS-990 at JVCKENWOOD Yamagata

Building the TS-990 at JVCKENWOOD Yamagata, Japan. Building the TS-990 at JVCKENWOOD Yamagata | JVCKENWOODWatch this video on YouTube The Kenwood® TS-990S featuring a dual TFT display and dual receiver covers the HF amateur bands plus 6 meters. It also features narrow-band roofing filters on the main receiver in a full down-conversion configuration. The TS-990S…