ICOM Radio news

On this episode host Ashley KI4MTU takes us on a tour of the K3LR superstation. We’ll also hear from Mark M0DXR as he operates K3LR in the morse code (CW) CQWW contest. The Radio Society of Great Britains IOTA program is also shown.


On this episode host Ashley KI4MTU takes us on a tour of the K3LR superstation. We’ll also hear from Mark M0DXR as he operates K3LR in the morse code (CW) CQWW contest. The Radio Society of Great Britains IOTA program is also shown.


Mobile Rooster to introduce DStar. An application to help ham radio operators find contacts on the D-Star Network. Locate DStar repeaters near you anywhere you are at. You can see a map of nearby repeaters or see the details in a list sorted by distance. You can see who is online around the world right…