Amateur radio, often called Ham Radio, is both a hobby
and a service in which participants, called "hams" use
various types of radio communications equipment to
communicate with other radio amateurs for public service,
recreation and self-training.

Amateur radio operators enjoy personal (and often worldwide)
wireless communications with each other and are able to support
their communities with emergency and disaster communications if
necessary, while increasing their personal knowledge of electronics
and radio theory. An estimated six million people throughout the
world are regularly involved with amateur radio.

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    • New HAM Radio Equipment Review
    • Photogallery
    • HAM Radio news and much more...
    • Enjoy & 73 de Sparky

      About Sparky

      Sparky a Telecomm engineer, blogger, author, WEB Developer, pack rat, geek and 'radio maniac' from the Planet of Earth.

      KL1A ( aka RW3AH, aka T6X, aka T2X ... ) is my amateur radio call signs. Radioactive and licensed since 1976. See also QRZ.com Info.

      CQDX.ru Project

      The main purpose of the project is to provide the latest information on development and production of radio communications equipment. DX news and other interesting HAM information is available.

      How to Help

      This is a new generation HTML5 Website. Content has been migrated from previous CQDX.ru/blog/ Web platform. I spent a lot of time to make website changes i.e: re-coding, re-creation and re-customization. If you wish you can help with some donations.